The hypnotic sound of a magnetic stringless cello

Any instrument is good in the right hands, even a cello strings and frets without sounding through the power of magnetism. The instrument is the first commercial product of a California engineer and music enthusiast named David Levi. Their sound is at least strange , but we recommend experience to the end of the video.

The magnetic cello is the first representative of an ambitious project to create new instruments called Magnetovore . When I try to play for the first time a Theremin and discovered how difficult it was, Levi decided to try to create new high - tech instruments but whose design and use familiar for traditional musicians.

The magnetic violoncello works thanks to the sound produced by the electromagnetic fields of a coil to be handled with magnetic arc also. A frequency selector in the bow used to select the equivalent of the string of a traditional bow, while a mast with a resistive membrane allows pressing the notes.

The first prototype of the magnetic violoncello was built in 2011, but David Levi has managed to pull it off, it has patented and is already manufacturing its magnetic cellos on request (Each costs $ 1,800). 
